KeTech’s Keinform+TM gets an overhaul

KeTech’s Customer Information System, Keinform+TM is set to be upgraded, packed with lots of new features and interfaces as part of a major project to control over 400 stations from a single control centre.

The upgrade will see over 400 delay reasons available, new timetable editing tools, and an automatic Delay Repay interface to name just a few of the new features to be added to the system. The system which already controls over 350 stations and is installed in 6 railway control rooms, is fully PIDD compliant. It will be rolled out onto more stations later this year, bringing more flexibility to the operators, and will provide more up-to-the- minute information to customers on stations.

Providing enhanced real-time information through its Keinform suite of products puts KeTech at the forefront of the industry, offering consistent information both on and off trains, enhancing the Customer Experience at each stage of their journey.

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