
Driver Only Operated CCTV.

In 2014, KeTech was awarded the contract to design, supply and integrate the Crossrail DOO CCTV System for the Class 345 Aventra fleet by Bombardier.


The customer required a complex DOO system that could function in different environments as the fleet travelled both overground and underground. The customer required a SIL2-rated system that could deliver quality images from platform-side cameras to the train driver’s in cab monitors in real-time; in order to monitor passenger flow, ensure doorways are clear and enable safe, timely departures. As a result of extensive experience of Driver Only Operated Systems, real-time technology, the London Underground and proven in-service history, KeTech was awarded the contract for this unique project.


The design of the Crossrail system incorporated proven technology from the Victoria line OPO CCTV system with the addition of an enhanced version of the Trainborne Receivers and the wayside Video Processor unit. The DOO System for this project as a whole, was made up of three distinct parts:
• The Platform (Station) Imaging Sub-System;
• The Platform (Station) Transmission Sub-System; and
• The Trainborne Sub-System.
The system was designed to enable images from up to 8 platform mounted CCTV cameras to be displayed in real-time to the driver. The Video Processors were designed with low latency. The system delivers images continuously from platform-side cameras to the train driver cab monitors via a Leaky Feeder radiating cable and received by the trainborne equipment.

Results Delivered

  • Ultra low latency.
  • Proven in-service history.
  • Designed to SIL2, ensuring passenger safety.
  • Operates with high integrity, interfacing with the train-borne management system as the train travels.
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Our team of data experts, software developers and digital railway specialists cross collaborate everyday to develop and deliver intelligent real-time information systems, creating seamless end-to-end journeys.

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