
KeTech Podcast

Be Better Informed: Christmas During Coronavirus

This Christmas we have a self-invited, unwanted guest with us over the festive period, one that has already out stayed its welcome. No, it’s not the outlaws, it’s a visitor from overseas, one who doesn’t allow more than 6 guests around the dinner table or your annual Christmas Eve drinks in the pub and goes by the name of COVID-19.
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Be Better Informed This Winter

Ah, the British weather. The nation’s famous obsession, kickstarting most conversations here in the UK. Research shows that Britons spend around 4 months moaning about the elements (hot or cold), but can you blame us? The unpredictable nature of the weather in the UK regularly disrupts our lives and with winter on its way, its only about to get worse.
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Bridging the gap between station and train

RTM’s Ailsa Cowen spoke to three representatives from KeTech, Mike Dixon, Technical Director, Alistair Shutler, Software Team Leader and Graham Cooke Technical Consultant to find out about their innovative Universal Information System (UIS).
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Perceived Travel Time & Real-Time Passenger Information

KeTech explores the link between perceived travel time & real-time passenger information systems
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Addressing the need, defining the standard UIS

KeTech first installed their unique Universal Information System (UIS) at Porterbrook’s innovation hub at Rail Live back in June 2019 and it will continue to be available for demonstrations until the end of 2020. Concerns surrounding customers’ needs centre around experience, operational efficiency and ensuring safe travel – particularly during cases of major incidents.
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KeTech’s return to the office

KeTech is pleased to be slowly and safely welcoming employees back into the office.
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